Test-Out Verification – The importance of final verification testing
Step 1: Energy Assessment
Step 2: Home Performance Work
Step 3: Test-Out Verification
What does Eco Performance Builders do to confirm and show results?
Measured Delivered Performance:
We actually measure energy going in or out of your home (heating vs cooling) at the registers and compare it to the energy the system is consuming. By doing this, we’re able to determine how good of a design and installation we did.
We multiply the airflow by the temperature difference from your return air grille to each supply grille and get a BTU number for each grille. When we add them all together and divide it by the energy that went in, we get the delivered efficiency. We can then compare that to the manufacturer’s data at the given outdoor temperature. By doing this, we know how much loss we have in the system, which mainly comes from the ducts. Our goal is to get over 85% of the available system performance into your home if the ducts are not in conditioned space (inside the home). Considering the last study done by the California Energy Commission showed a 46% delivered performance on new homes, we think that we have a high standard with 85%+. Since there is no benchmark for this, and nobody else does this, we are creating the standard.
Quantitative and visual evidence of progress and results are always necessary. The fact that homeowners report a higher level of comfort and energy savings to us is great, but tested proof needs to be provided as well that the exact targeted amount of progress was made. If the targets were exceeded, then by how much? For the industry to grow, all contractors need to supply quantitative post work results to the homeowner. This is done by conducting a Test-Out Verification.
Air Leakage and Duct Leakage: A Test-Out Verification is very similar to an Energy Assessment. A Blower Door test is done to verify air barriers and goals were met. Similarly, a Duct Blaster test is performed to test the new duct leakage. The difference is, the goal for a Duct Blaster should always be as low as possible, with our goal always being zero measurable leakage.
Room to Room Air Flow Balancing:
If duct work (new or the sealing of existing) was involved in the scope of work then this will always include Air Flow Balancing as part of the Test-Out Verification process. Mechanical dampers are installed in every accessible duct line. They are then finely adjusted until a powered flow hood (balometer) measures the desired cubic feet per minute needed coming out of that specific room’s supply vent. This is done for all rooms and dampers until the system is “Balanced”.
Final Rebate Submission:
After the final test-out verification and commissioning we will submit for the rebate and you should receive a check within 4-6 weeks.
What are our qualifications?
Eco Performance Builders is a licensed General, HVAC, and Insulaiton contractor. We are certified with Home Performance with Energy Star, Building Performance Institute (BPI), and we are a Build it Green “Green Builder” A.K.A. Green Point Rated. We are an approved and highly active Participating Contractor in the BayREN program. Our technicians are BPI certified as well and are regularly sent to further PG&E energy upgrade trainings. We have delivered performance-based solutions with a green building approach to hundreds of homes in the bay area.